Evangelho Detalhes:
Dimensões (fechado):
3.75" W x 5.25" H
Dimensões (aberto):
7.5" W x 5.25" H
New Living Translation
Evangelho Specs:
Dimensões (fechado):
3.75" W x 5.25" H
Dimensões (open):
7.5" W x 5.25" H
New Living Translation
In John 14:6, Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Do you know people in life who can't seem to find the way forward, the way out, or how to proceed? God's Word tells us that JESUS IS THE WAY. He is not just the way to the Father and to Heaven, but the way through tough times, hard relationships, sickens and death. Through Him and only Him, we have abundant life ahead!
Share Jesus in His own words. These pocket Gospels are a great alternative to Gospel tracts because it's 100% the Word of God using the actual text from Scripture. Each Gospel includes the full Gospel of John and a plan of Salvation with a response page. A QR code on the back provides a quick link to learn more about God.