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Nossos evangelhos de João e outros
recursos impressos

Detalhe de Produto

Good News is Coming

Este item está atualmente fora de estoque.

Há impressões de produtos regularmente, tente novamente no futuro.

Evangelho Detalhes:


Dimensões (fechado):
3.75" W x 5.25" H

Dimensões (aberto):
7.50" W x 5.25" H


New Living Translation

Este item está atualmente fora de estoque.

Há impressões de produtos regularmente, tente novamente no futuro.

Evangelho Specs:


Dimensões (fechado):
3.75" W x 5.25" H

Dimensões (open):
7.50" W x 5.25" H


New Living Translation

Sobre este Evangelho:

God's Word is full of good news! The Gospel tells us the true story of Jesus--that he was born as a man, lived a perfect life, and died on a cross to buy our salvation and earn us a place in Heaven for eternity. Share this wonderful news with others so that they, too, can experience what was and is and is to come!

Share Jesus in His own words. These pocket Gospels are a great alternative to Gospel tracts because it's 100% the Word of God using the actual text from Scripture. Each Gospel includes the full Gospel of John and a plan of Salvation with a response page. A QR code on the back provides a quick link to learn more about God.

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